React.js development
“The more widely a technology is used, the greater the potential for security breaches.” – Eugene Kaspersky
React is a renowned library for building enticing user interfaces for web and mobile applications. According to BuiltWith trends, React.js shares 24% of the JavaScript library usage distribution list. It also tops the chart as the most popular JavaScript library online. Besides, there are many use cases of React.js, including Binance, Bloomberg, Chase, Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber.
That makes React highly prone to security vulnerabilities. A few include Cross-site, SQL injection, broken access control, insecure dependencies, etc. But as you know, ‘where there is a will, there is a way.’
As a web or mobile app owner, you must know all the React security vulnerabilities. And not only that, but you must also understand what are the best practices to fix or avoid them. Don’t worry; just understand the technicalities; our developers will be your helping hand to make your React application risk-free.
The internet is flooded with significant React.js security issues for which there are preventive measures. But before jumping into the solution, you must know the security challenges and then find a solution. In the below discussion, you will know different React security challenges and their solutions.
XML is a data format widely used in mobile and web apps for exchanging or storing data organizationally. To make the information readable and accessible from XML documents, you would require XML parsers. These parsers need a regular upgrade, and being out of update makes them vulnerable to XML External Entity attacks.
XML External Entity Attack is a cybersecurity threat wherein invaders access outdated XML parsers. Cyberattackers perform vulnerable activities, such as port scanning, denial of service request forgery, etc.
The sole purpose of Distributed Denial of Service is to overflood your application, server, or network with massive traffic. The aim behind sending many such requests is to make your application unavailable for target/genuine traffic.
DDoS attacks have different types, such as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Synchronize (SYN), and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). All this is done to exhaust your CPU or server so that it reminds inaccessible for use.
Such React security attacks wherein your system, network, or website is at risk of excessive, inappropriate traffic require stringent measures for prevention, which are as follows:
Another React security vulnerability on the list is cross-site request forgery; this manipulative security flaw happens when a cyberattacker manipulates a user to open a website or web page and tricks them into performing any action without knowing the legitimacy of it.
It happens when the user’s browser sends a tampered HTTP request to perform malicious actions. State-changing requests, such as POST, PUT, and DELETE requests at high risk since they are more vulnerable than GET requests.
When the authentication system of the React.JS application is not designed properly or systematically and does not comply with all the security compliance, then attackers would be easily able to log into the user’s account.
Attackers usually bypass or manipulate the authentication system and access the victim’s account just like the victim. Broken authentication also occurs when the application allows a weaker password or doesn’t notify about a solid password. It gives attackers easy access to the application or website, enabling them to steal all the credential information.
Another React security flaw is the risk of a Zip Slip attack when unpacking files with the help of a supporting library is executed in an uncontrolled manner. This is a secret passage through which intruders can execute their malicious code into an unzipped folder(s). And not only the folder, but the intruder would also even replace folders of other destinations of your React application by taking over the control of your React application.
Through this security vulnerability in React, the intruder would gain access to confidential information of your user base and your business. Zip Slip is an extremely dangerous React.js security vulnerability since it exposes your React application to data leaks and path traversal attacks.
There can be URLs that might include dynamic script content through the “JavaScript:” protocol URL. Make sure to use “http:” or “https:” against “JavaScript:” URL-based script injection. Besides, you must also leverage a native URL parsing functionality to validate the URL. Post that, make sure to match the parsed protocol property with the allow list.
Here is how to do this:
function validateURL(url) {
const parsed = new URL(url)
return [‘https:’, ‘http:’].includes(parsed.protocol)
{validateURL(url)”>Click here!
Use dangerouslySetInnerHTML for HTML insertion directly into rendered DOM nodes. Also, use a sanitization library like domypurify before using dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop.
To perform this, follow the following:
import purify from “dompurify”;
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html:purify.sanitize(data) }} />
Never try to inject content into DOM nodes directly, and if left with no option than insertion, use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to inject by sanitizing it using domypurify.
Now you must be thinking about what is “dangerouslySetInnerHTML.”
Well, it is a property that helps React programmers to directly insert HTML content within an HTML element available in React application.
You have to do the following:
import purify from “dompurify”;
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:purify.sanitize(data) }} />
Use server-side functions like ReactDOMServer.renderToString() and
ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup() for data binding; since it offers automatic content escaping.
When using the renderToStaticMarkup() method in React, it is essential to avoid concatenating strings onto the output before sending them to the client for hydration.
Also, to prevent XSS, ensure you or your developer do not concatenate sanitized data with the output of renderToStaticMarkup().
Do this:
app.get(“/”, function (req, res) {
return res.send(
React.createElement(“h1”, null, “Hello World!”)
) + otherData
Ensure you review library code manually or with the linter configuration to prevent malicious use of security mechanisms.
Make it a point to avoid leveraging React libraries that avoid using dangerouslySetInnerHTML, innerHTML, unvalidated URLs, or other unsafe patterns. Additionally, you can use security linters to your node_modules folders to proactively detect malicious patterns in React code.
React programmers at Bacancy stay updated with the latest trends, challenges, and solutions. Our developers stand on their toes to fix the vulnerabilities and check all the loopholes that may allow intruders to exploit them. Such a solution-oriented mindset would be a great help when you want a website or application that meets customers’ requirements rather than making them face glitches and end up with a poor experience.
Since React.js security vulnerabilities are hard to identify, it requires meticulous attention to every component of React. For such engagements, you need subject-matter experts; without them, you might get exposed to higher chances of exploitation if any loophole is left. You can Hire React js developer from Bacancy and rely on them to address all kinds of React.js security issues. Their experience of handling, addressing, and rectifying many react security vulnerabilities before negatively impacting your brand will come handy to stabilize and secure your React.js environment.