Embark on an exciting journey towards a dynamic career in Android development with our comprehensive training program. At our institute in Surat, we offer professional instruction in our Advanced Android Development Course. Move beyond generic app development platforms and gain complete control over both the frontend and backend of your Android applications, just as every professional app is crafted.
At Inspire Techno Solution, we extend a diverse array of courses crafted to keep you abreast of the latest trends and tools in Android development. Our Android Development Course is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of mobile app development.
Whether you’re stepping into the world of Android development for the first time or you’re an experienced programmer looking to broaden your skill set, our Android Development Course is tailored to accommodate all proficiency levels. This comprehensive course seamlessly integrates clear and concise instruction with real-world examples and hands-on exercises to ensure a thorough and immersive learning experience.
C Language
Basic Concept
Decision Making & Control Statement.
Loops (While, Do While & For)
Array (1D & 2D And Multi-Dimensional)
User Define Function
Dynamic Memory Allocations
C++ Language
Concept Of OOP
Declaration of Variable and Data Types.
Storage Classes
Constructor & Destructor
Object and Class
Data Hiding & Encapsulation.
Exception Handling
Java Basics
Java OOPs Concepts
Wrapper Class & CLA
Exception Handling
Multithreading in Java
Java AWT
Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction
Java Swing
Java Applet
Core Andriod
App Development Using Java.
Introduction & Core Building Block.
UI Widgets like Textview, ImageView, Toast, ImageButton, Checkbox, and RadioButton.
Spinner and Dialog (Alert Dialog, Custom Dialog, Rating Dialog)
Listview, Webview, and Gridview.
How to Create Multiple Activity with Passing Data.
How to Create Splash Screen and Toolbar.
Advanced View(Carview, Circleimageview, and Library integration).
Image Loader Library(Glide, Piccaso, and Universal).
Menu(Options Menu) & Shared Preference.
Image Access (Camera & Gallery).
Recycler view with Model Class.
Advanced Android
App Internet Check and Gps Check.
Advance Dialog(Datepicker and Timepicker dialog).
Simple Viewpager(Image Slider).
Navigation Drawer(Default and Custom Navigation Drawer).