Prepare yourself for a career in web design by our training. We provide professional training for Advanced Web Designing Course in Surat. Don’t limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder” tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.
Inspire Techno Solution offers a wide range of courses to bring you up to speed on the latest trends and tools for the best web design. From Photoshop, Figma, HTML & HTML5, CSS & CSS3, Bootstrap, WordPress, and Domain & Hosting. We have a web design course to help you get the most out of a website’s front end. Websites that Win Clients, Enhances Your Portfolio.
Whether you’re taking the first steps in web design or you’re an experienced creative professional, our web design Course is meticulously crafted to accommodate all skill levels. This comprehensive course seamlessly integrates clear and concise instruction with real-world examples and hands-on exercises, ensuring an immersive and comprehensive learning experience.
Introduction to Figma Design
Install Plugins
Colour theory, typography, iconography
Photo editing & manipulation
Assets and File Manage
Website Interactions & Prototyping
Global Design System for your Brand
Type of Wireframing
Explore Text & Styles
Introduction to HTML
Formatting Tags
Form Elements
Table Layout
HTML Styles
HTML Class
HTML Lists
HTML Responsive
Formatting Tags
Form Elements
Table Layout
HTML Lists, Media Tags
Introduction to CSS
Types Of CSS & It's Syntax
Font, Border, Background CSS
Working with Class & ID
Implementation of Icon Library
CSS3 Animation, Filter Property
Pseudo Classes & Elements
Website Slider & Layouts
Form Design
Grid System, Containers
Components of Tailwind CSS
Introduction to Media Query
Responsive Navigation Menu
Responsive Product View
Introduction to Bootstrap
Bootstrap File Implementation
Bootstrap Utilities
Bootstrap Grid System
Bootstrap Components
Project Work : Responsive Website Design
Javascript / JQuery
Introduction to JavaScript
Syntax and Operations Of JS
Show different Types of Output Methods (alert, console, document, inner HTML)
Use Different Types of Objects LIKE (Date, Math, Boolean, and Number)